Getting ready for our Five Alarm Party!
Throughout the fall, workers have been stomping around over our heads replacing our worn-out roofing. It was big project, but now our skylights are gone and we no longer have to grab buckets to catch the leaks when it rains. Cole Roofing is in the clean-up stage and the crew will soon pack up their equipment and move on to the next job.

Replacing and insulating all three of our roofs was a major part of our ongoing Capital Campaign, which is also funding sprinklers, improved lighting, expansion and improvement of the research center, and new exhibits. We still need your help. Look for the Donate buttons on our website and Facebook page.
A huge part of our fundraising effort is our Five Alarm Party on Saturday, November 10, from 6 pm – 10 pm. Tickets are still available through Mission Tix. Don’t like buying tickets online? Call Amy at 410-321-7500 x103 to pay by phone.

Please act now as November 10 will be here before you know it and you don’t want to miss out on an evening of great food, good music, an auction, tours of the Museum, and spending a lively night out with people as committed to preserving American history as you are. See you on the 10th!