We've Got So Much Going On
Well so far this summer we’ve had heat waves, torrential rain and days so humid you boil a crab in them. But none of that has stopped us from moving forward with plans for our upcoming events. On Saturday, August 4 the Chesapeake Region of the Automobile Club of America holds their antique car show in our front parking lot. It’s amazing to see the amount of love and work that goes into these restorations.

The show runs from 11 am – 2 pm. The car show is free. Regular admission applies to come inside and see the Museum.
Our annual Honoring our Heroes Motor Muster takes place on Saturday, September 8th from 10 am – 3 pm. You’ll see some of our apparatus in the parking lot and local fire companies also show up with a modern rig or two. Watch as we shoot water high in the sky! Take a ride on an antique fire engine!

New this year: Admission to both the Muster and to the Museum will be FREE on September 8.
Tickets are currently on sale for our FIVE ALARM PARTY on Saturday, November 10 at 6 pm. This is a huge fund-raiser for us and we’re really looking forward to seeing you there.

We’ll have catered food stations, craft beverages, live music, a silent auction, and tours of the Museum and our working Fire Alarm Office. This will be a fun night out and a great chance to invite all your friends and show them why you support the Museum. Tickets are available online.
There’s plenty I still haven’t told you about: like Lantern Night, and our Holiday Train Garden. We’ll update you about those in our next blog post!