Family Safety Day Recap
There are hundreds of things to consider when it comes to keeping your family safe. On Saturday, March 5th the Fire Museum's third annual Family Safety Day helped visitors address these considerations. The museum did this by connecting our visitors with companies providing safety goods, services, information, and education. Not only is this a special day because it fulfills the museum's mission of safety education, but thanks to generous funding from Fireline Corporation and the Citizens of Baltimore County, we were able to do so at no cost to our visitors.

Exhibitors provided information to families on all aspects of safety. Fireline Corporation had fire extinguisher demonstrations, recharging, and testing. New York Life provided child identification kits with free fingerprinting. Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company had modern examples of turn out gear and breathing apparatus next to the museum’s historic examples. The American Red Cross had information on creating a home evacuation plan. Maryland Emergency Management Agency had handouts on general family preparedness and resources available in disaster situations. The Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute had a presentation on the training they provide to first responders. UMD’s Fire Protection Engineering department performed candle magic tricks and shared their unique undergraduate and graduate programs. Alarm Tech Solutions had a display of modern fire alarm detection and alert equipment next to the historic examples in the museum’s fire alarm office.

The museum would like to thank our exhibitors for engaging visitors on the subject of safety for the whole family. You can see more pictures from the event on our Facebook page here. Next year’s Family Safety Day will be in early March. And, as always, the museum is open every Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. Tours are available any day by request.