2025 Special Volunteer Work Project
Fire Museum of Maryland
The Fire Museum of Maryland a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to the history and technology of U.S. fire apparatus, is organizing a group of volunteers (either individually or in corporate groups) to help with the reorganization of its Research Center, which includes a library, the Archives Office, a work area, and two storage areas. The Registrar has been out on medical leave and has come back only to realize that her work area needs cleaning and re-organization, and that after a major change in storage space, a new inventory of the collections needs to be completed.
Length of Project: 6 weeks at most
Schedule: Thursdays from 11-3
Ability to lift heavy boxes and objects and to climb ladders
Handicapped Accessible
Project A: Re-organize shelves and supplies in work area. Develop storage spaces for each type and size of boxes, Mylar envelopes, and other materials. Labelling of spaces as needed.
Project B: Complete an inventory in the East and West Storage areas, and in one section of the Archives. In teams of two, each team will be assigned one unit at a time, which consists of rolling and stationary shelving units, that are made up of 5 shelves each. Each object or box of artifacts will be carefully examined. The accession/loan number and object name will then be written on a chart, and its specific location and whether it needs photography. If it does require photography, the item will be photographed and will be transferred by a staff member to the Museum’s database. Once the storage areas are inventoried, like objects will be put together and location changes will be put in the database.
Free parking, an area to eat lunch, and free admissions to Museum special events for you and your immediate family.
Contact: Melissa Heaver, Registrar
410-274-5642 (cell)

Thank you Fox Pest Control for your support!